Wednesday, 11 March 2015

How to Cleanse the energy your home

I should start by saying that this is not a quick process and is best done over a weekend to ensure its as thoroughly cleansed as possible. I found this cleanse in a book I read a few years ago and find it so energising and lifting that I need to share it. See Energy Secrets, The Ultimate Wellbeing Plan by Alla Svirinskaya (2010).

The first step in cleansing the home is to physically declutter and clean all areas. You know the saying "tidy home, tidy mind"- well its not far from the truth. An untidy home stores old energy and can seriously affect a persons psyche. A tidy clutter free room can instantly lift the spirits of someone and is a great way to start a home cleanse. Walk around your home and figure out what can stay and what can go. If you haven't used something in 6 months there is a good chance you wont use it again. Once the house is decluttered, start the cleaning. Open all windows if possible (negative energy will leave through here) and clean as thoroughly as you can. Pay special attention to corners, as energy can accumulate here. Vacuum all floors and all hard surfaces can be washed over with a good antibacterial solution. If possible burn some clove in a oil burner to help cleanse the space. In a bowl of water add a few drops of juniper or peppermint oil and wash all wooden surfaces down (such as skirting boards and doors), and the walls if needed. Next, clean all the glass (windows and mirrors). Using the solution wash all windows and mirrors and use a cloth to ensure they are smear free.

Once physically clean and clutter free- start the cleanse. Free your home from children and animals if possible as they are very sensitive to energy changes. I use fire energy for cleansing as it is very simple and effective, and the simplest form of a flame is that of a candle.

Before cleansing, take an energy shower. Prepare a salt paste with coarse sea salt and some sweet almond oil and add some tea tree oil or juniper. Scrub all over then stand under the water, letting it run over your head. Dress in clean, comfortable clothes and I always do the cleanse bare foot.

 In each room light a beeswax candle, and if possible try to allow the candle in each room to be seen by the candle in the next (trying to create a string of burning light). I know this is not always possible, but try if u can. This is another reason why the house should be free from children and animals. Its impossible to be in every room at the same time and wandering hands and noses cause accidents. Leave for as long as possible, dispose of the candles when finished.

After cleansing the energy, you need to stabilise it. Fill a clean spray bottle with spring/bottled water and add a few drops of lavender oil. Spray this around. When done, and all items are disposed of- take another cleansing shower. Use some more of the salt scrub and wash liberally. don't forget to was your hair this time too.

I find it useful to complete this cleanse at least twice a year (spring and autumn) but it can be done after any negative event or maybe if you feel the energy has become stagnant.... all living things have energy and if you have a particularly draining mother in law that has come to stay, there is no harm cleansing your home again when she has left !! I hope this has the same positive effect as I experienced, and the book mentioned is a great read if you are interested in cleansing your energy.

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