Saturday 18 July 2015

Sleeping like a baby.... not mine !!

I have a 15 month old little boy that was born with a few health issues. I have often used my holistic therapy background with him to help alleviate his pain and his health in general. But this time the regular massage with aromatherapy oils just wasnt cutting it. At all.
Harry is chronically overtired. He's hyper, tempramental, demanding and just down right hard work most days. He was tube fed so getting him to eat and drink a little has been a miracle. But a few weeks ago every thing just got a whole lot worse  (i thought it couldn't be worse than it was!). he refused sleep, food and drink.
I massaged using lavender and chamomile and gave regular reiki. Alas, no.
I decided to tape 2 pieces of amethyst quartz to the bars underneath his cot, so he cant reach them. Amethyst is the best for all sleep problems and any reason why sleep may not be happening. I also got harry into a routine of going to his room/in the bath with no light on an hour before bed. We need a hormone called melatonin to be released so we sleep. If you are put in a dark environment, it gets released and helps to reduce the amount of cortisol in the system. So far its worked a lot more than anything else... although its not great, he will now relax a bit easier and doesnt always need rocking to sleep. So im hoping we have a good combination at the just have to carry on until it becomes routine.

Put in his dark room at 6:30pm
Bath at 7pm in the dark. 3 drops of lavender
Massage with a drop of chamomile in coconut oil
In his cot at 7:30pm latest... amethyst taped underneath.

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