Sunday, 1 May 2016

Natural ways to ease Hayfever

So its Spring. So that means lots of lovely long walks out in the countryside, connecting with nature. Sounds perfect doesn't it ? But some may recoil in horror as they first thing that they associate with it is runny noses, itchy, sore eyes and throat, sneezing and just general feeling of crapness. Hay fever is an allergic form of Rhinitis, an inflammation of the nose which is caused by airborne pollen or spores released during the spring and summer. The body produces too much Histamine to help fight the pollens/perceived threats to the body. So, no, that walk doesn't sound perfect to some of you. There are many medications out there that can help, but as mentioned before, the natural way doesn't include adding chemicals into the bloodstream and can be just as effective. Here are some natural ways to ease the Hay fever reactions.
* Honey 
Honey in its entire form is Bee Pollen. Simple. Which has been manufactured from the flowers pollen. So by using honey it may help desensitise the reaction to the pollen in the air as you have already been exposed to it in a different form. The best honey to use is a local honey as it will contain pollen from the flowers/trees that may be causing the reaction. IT is best to use natural honey a few months before the season sets in so you have had a decent exposure by the time Hay fever sets in.
* Vitamin C
Vit C whilst being a powerhouse for the immune system, is in fact a natural anti histamine (helps to combat allergies). If you use citrus fruits as your source of Vitamin C, think Lemons, Oranges, Grapefruits etc then you will also be adding a healthy dose of Bioflavanoids- also help to assist with the anti allergen campaign we have going here. A combination of both Vitamin C and Bioflavanoids are a natural decongestant (will help to unblock the stuffiness/nasal congestion) and a natural Anti Histamine. One way to get those citrus fruits in is to drink lemon water on a morning (see previous blog post for its other array of benefits).
* Chamomile
Chamomile, amongst other essential oils are great for relieving Hayfever. The other oils will be discussed later in the post, but as Chamomile is so readily available in tea form its worth putting this separately. It is a great anti oxidant and has a strong anti inflammatory effect on the bodies system. Have a cup of warm tea to help unblock the nose and throat, ideally with a spoon of honey, and then use the cold teabags as a eye soother. And there we go, a multi talented teabag !
* Hot Peppers/Turmeric
Both hot peppers (chilli's) and Turmeric contain a compound called Capsaicin- this is what gives Turmeric is warm colour. This helps to open the nasal passages to help reduce congestion, and has an overall anti inflammatory response on the bodies processes (see anti inflammatory blog post). An inflammation is the bodies way of fighting a stressor or threat to the body, by helping to ease inflammation you help the body to stop trying to fight the threat (pollen).
* Garlic and Onions
Garlic and onions work in the same way as the hot peppers and Turmeric. They contain a compound called Quercetin, a  natural Anti Histamine that has an anti inflammatory effect. It is always better to start including the diet powerhouses a few months before the hay fever season hits ("well that's going to help now!" I hear you cry), but its never too late to start ! (phew). If you cannot stomach eating all this garlic then you can always use a good supplement with a natural capsule form of possible.
* Carotenoids
These are the natural pigments that are found in plants and hold a host of benefits as well as being a great source of Anti Oxidants. These will help to clear the system of free radicals that are produced by the body in times of stress. Brightly coloured fruits and vegetables contain these, Carrots being one of the highest concentrations, along with a good dose of Vitamin A.
* Essential Oils
Essential oils are the concentrated life force of plants that have been extracted in various ways. Essential oils therefore should always be a consideration when dealing with anything from nature that may be causing a problem. The term fight fire with fire is kind of the same aspect, fight inflammation caused by pollen, with a plant based solution. There are many essential oils that offer a great anti inflammatory and anti histamine effect but the main ones (and most readily available) are Rose, Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon, Melissa and Eucalyptus. 
Treatments with essential oils can be a matter of trial and error for each individual, as we are just that, Individual ! And also, as essential oils work firstly be their aroma (more to come on the effects of the brain on an individuals perception of smell!) then a person may hate a treatment containing lemon if they really don't like the scent.
You can use the oils in various ways-- add a few drops of an oil to a bath of warm water, and lie back for a decent amount of time to let the oil sink in to the skin.
Regular massage to the neck, shoulders and chest with 4 to 5 drops of an oil in a base carrier oil such as Sweet Almond, Coconut, Olive,  or Peach Kernel oil.
Sore, red eyes can be relieved with cold Chamomile or Peppermint tea bags, or make a cold compress using rose water (not the essential oil).
For inflamed mucous membranes in the nose, mix 2 to 3 drops (total) of Rose, Chamomile and/or Lavender oil to a tsp of Vaseline and add this to the insides of the nostrils 2 to 3 times a day.
* General
It is best to avoid dairy during a flare of Hay fever, however eating a low fat natural yoghurt occasionally does contain an anti histamine. Caffeine and Alcohol are also thought to exaggerate the symptoms as they produce an inflammatory effect in the body. Aim to eat a good portion of brightly coloured fruits a veg each day and include garlic and onion where possible. Chilli's and Turmeric can be used to enhance or add flavours, and by adding black pepper this will enhance the effects of the Turmeric. A general self awareness of diet and lifestyle can help in the prevention and coping of Hay fever: if the body is already under stress from dealing with inflammatory conditions caused by lifestyle choices, it will struggle to deal with yet another inflammatory condition. (See previous post).
Natural is a wonderful, beautiful thing but it can be troublesome for some people. Please lets try and combat its symptoms so we can still appreciate and spend time in nature as we are designed to do.  

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