Thursday, 3 March 2016

Superfoods: Chia Seeds

There is a category of foods out there that are known as Superfoods. It is a marketing term used to define a food that has health benefits, and quite often the term is strewn about in a bid to get you spending more!  However, It could be argued that some foods are not what you would term, 'super'. Yes, they are healthy and they have health benefits, but to a much greater extent that other foods? Often not. However Chia Seeds really ARE a superfood. If you can incorporate them your diet, you wont regret it. Here's why !

Firstly it would be good to define what they are and where they come from... that is a common question ! Chia Seeds are the grain of the Salvia Hispanica L. Plant (you really don't need to remember this), and it is a plant that forms part of the Mint family. It typically originates from South America. The Aztecs and the Mayans prized them for the countless energy that they would provide, and they weren't wrong to do so. The seeds have a high concentration of nutrients and it would be easier if I broke this down.

2 tablespoons of Chia seeds, calculates to around 137 calories...

Of this, 11g is Fibre (Carbohydrate), 4g protein, and around 9g is fat (5g is the Omega 3 fats that are so good for us, and roughly 1g is Saturated!)
They provide 18% RDA Calcium, 30% RDA Manganese, 30% RDA Magnesium and 27% RDA Phosphorus. They have a wealth of micronutrients and trace elements such as Iron, Zinc, Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Copper and Selenium. All these are needed in smaller amounts in the body compared to the macronutrients such as Carbohydrate, Protein and Fats, but they are essential all the same. These nutrients allow the body to develop and repair tissues, control muscle contractions (heart), transport essential nutrients and compounds to organs and tissues and keep the immune, nervous, muscular, blood and digestive systems healthy. Chia Seeds contain 18 Amino Acids (there are 22 altogether, and 9 are essential- chia contains all of the essential acids). Therefore it is a food known as High Biological Value- there are food non-meat foods that can be classified as this as usually meat is found to contain all essential Amino Acids. Therefore, Vegetarians would be advised to add this to their diet to supplement the Macronutrients, Micronutrients and Trace Elements that may need replacing.
Because of all of the nutrients mentioned, they can help improve the health of the Heart and the Bones, help to transport nutrients around the body, but they can also help to fight the production of Free Radicals that circulate the body. These can damage molecules in cells, and ultimately they contribute to the ageing process and disease in the body. Free radicals can put the bodily systems under a certain stress that means that it is continually trying to fight off the damage, Anti Oxidants (found in Chia Seeds), can 'mop up' these free radicals and prevent any damage.

So how can you use them ? Anyway you want ! You can sprinkle onto cereals, yoghurts and in smoothies. A lot of people actually mix with water and use as an egg alternative in recipes. The seeds are Hydrophilic, so they absorb water, this consistency helps to bind the dry foods in certain recipes, how an egg would. I've used Chia Seeds soaked in Apple Juice (natural sweetener) as part of a healthy snack bar that I make. You really can use them in anything, soups, casseroles, puddings... the list is endless ! And the health benefits means that you can feel good at the same time knowing that you really are adding a Superfood to your diet !

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