OK, so let me get this straight. Not all inflammation in the body is bad news. Inflammation is a complex biological PROTECTIVE response to a harmful stimuli such as pathogens, damaged cells or irritants. Something inflammatory to the body will show up by swelling, heat, pain and redness and without inflammation the body cannot heal. For example if you injure your knee the tissues around the joint will swell, therefore reducing the risk of causing any further injury by protecting the damaged tissues and local area, whilst allowing the injury to heal and repair its tissues. It is whether the Inflammation is acute or chronic in which the problems to the bodily functions lie. Acute is short term, a protective response involving the blood vessels, immune cells and various other systems, but chronic inflammation can cause the tissues involved to deteriorate over time. There can be and very often is a toxin build up and vital nutrients to the areas involved are depleted. It is chronic Inflammation in which this post is looking to target, the inflammatory response that has continued in the body due to poor food choices and a possible acid/alkaline imbalance in the body. If a diet is rich in inflammatory foods there will be a constant state of low level inflammation. The immune system will concentrate on fighting the inflammation, as this is its job, and it will not be able to concentrate on protecting against other attacks/abnormal cells. It is therefore arguable that a physical body in a low state of inflammation may have a lowered immune response to infections, and maybe even cancer cells.
The foods in which we eat today are processed, highly refined and packed full of additives, chemicals and general nastiness. They lack vital nutrients and are high in inflammatory ingredients such as certain types of fats (Trans Fats), sugars, refined starches and artificial sweeteners. It is advised that to allow the body to lower its immune response to inflammation and restore the balance all processed and refined foods should be avoided and replaced with foods that are know to have high anti inflammatory properties. So, to be avoided are;
* Fried foods * Sugar * Fizzy drinks * Pastries * Processed foods
and they should be replaced with the list of foods mentioned below. It is thought that an Acid/Alkaline imbalance in the body may be a cause of Inflammation, but a way to make the body more alkaline is to also follow roughly the same list of foods. An Acidic PH is toxic to the body, and this is thought to be one of the causes of Chronic Inflammation.
So to restore balance it is worth reading on to see the food choices that you could make to assist in this process.
* Peppers- particularly the spicy/hot ones !
They contain Capsaicin which is thought to inhibit the release of an enzyme known to cause Inflammation in the body. So choose Jalapenos and Cayenne over the milder bell peppers, but the anti oxidants found in all of them will help clear the body of harmful free radicals. I add Jalapenos to a lot of my cooking, and chillis are never far either- Spaghetti bolognaise, salads, curries, salsas have all contained them !
* Turmeric and Ginger- The active ingredient in Turmeric is Curcumin, which gives it its rich golden colour. It is a known anti inflammatory and its effects can also be seen in ginger, but not to the high levels in Turmeric. It has high antioxidant properties and its effected are known to be heightened 2000 times over if used in combination with black pepper. My favourite thing to do with Turmeric is add a tablespoon of it with a black pepper, salt and olive oil to a tray of vegetables to be roasted. Slice a Aubergine, courgette, peppers, chilli's, onions, tomatoes, garlic and carrots and you have a Mediterranean medley that you can use to substitute starchy potatoes, or I have often put in the fridge as a salad the next day.
* Onions and Garlic- These contain a Phytonutrient called Quercetin, it helps the body to fight environmental allergies as it is a Histamine Inhibitor. May be good to try in the Hay fever season then ! Garlic is said to have similar properties to a Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory painkiller such as Aspirin as it shuts off the pathways that lead to inflammation. Onions also have similar anti inflammatory chemicals and contains a compound called Allicin which breaks down and helps to fight free radicals. Onions and garlic is used in our house as a base of nearly everything that's cooked ! Chasseurs, casseroles, stews, soups, stir fries- you name it, it probably starts with these two.
* Fatty Fish and Oils- Omega 3 oil is a natural anti inflammatory and the best Fish sources are Salmon, Mackerel and Sardines. Olive Oil contains Oleic Acid which is a Omega 9 Fatty acid- this helps the Omega 3 do its job. The rawer the oil the better ! Anything that says refined or the lighter oils will have lost some of the nutrients during the process. Aim to eat Fish at least twice a week, and Olive Oil can be used in all cooking, dressings for a salad or to dip wholemeal bread in as a snack. Combine with some Veggie sticks and some olives and you are on to a winner !
* Dark Leafy Greens- These are packed with Vitamin E which protects the body from Pro Inflammatory molecules. The best sources of Vitamin E are Spinach, Kale and Broccoli, as well as other key and vital nutrients needed by the body. They have a higher concentration of Vitamins and Minerals such as Calcium, Iron and Phytochemicals- all vital for the smooth running of the body and nourishment of cells. They contain Alpha Linoleic Acid- which is an Omega 3 fatty acid, which offers the same benefits as the Omega 3s found in oily fish. I use Spinach in most of my salads, but you can use the veg in most things that you cook. Add to bolognaise sauces or casseroles, roast the veg and eat alongside a piece of fish a few times a week, or even chop up and eat with a small amount of Salsa (all anti inflammatory ingredients, see below), as an alternative to chocolate, cake or crisps.
* Nuts- Nuts and seeds are packed with the healthy fats that help to lower Cholesterol and keep the heart healthy. These fats are what other foods contain (Omega 3), particularly ALA (mentioned above). They are a powerhouse of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and this helps to fight the damage caused by inflammation. Cooking/roasting nuts destroys the Omega 3's so they are best eaten raw. Some nuts have more Omega 3 than others, and Flaxseed is a great source. All nuts have great quantities of other nutrients, but portion control is important here as due to the fats they can be calorific. Swapping processed snacks for a handful of raw nuts and a few squares of dark chocolate is a much better option, full with antioxidants and wont cause the Insulin level to spike in the body.
* Tomatoes and Beets- Because of their bright colours it would be correct to assume that these contain mountains of Antioxidants and Vitamins. And you are right ! The deeper the colour of the vegetable the more there often are ! Tomatoes are rich in Lycopene which helps to combat inflammation in the body, particularly the lungs. And beets are said to slow down inflammation too, as well as mop up the free radicals that can damage the cells and tissues. Throw these into a salad or salsa, and there you have it, extra Anti Inflammatory ingredients.
* Low Fat Dairy Products- Dairy products, particularly natural yoghurt, contain Probiotics. These are the good bacteria that are needed to help balance the bad bacteria that is found in the gut. Often people don't have enough good bacteria, and this can be a problem. The gut accounts for around 75% of the immune system (I know!). Happy tummy usually equals happy body. Therefore it is correct to assume that any gut inflammation may be causing problems else where in the body. So to help with gut inflammation, be kind and provide the good bacteria some Probiotics and some generally nutrient dense, easy to digest, whole food ! The processed rubbish that is consumed puts a lot of stress on the gut and can leave you feeling very lethargic if it cannot move things along. The gut has its own nervous system (The Enteral System) so anything that affects the gut will affect the body and vice versa. Stress has a massive impact on the gut as its physical effects tend to be felt here. Eat a portion of natural yoghurt with a handful of oats and berries as a morning starter !
* Whole grains- Compared to their processed, dyed and refined counterparts, Whole Grains are much higher in the stakes of nutrition and Anti Inflammation ! The rawer the ingredient used in a product, the less refined, the better. The Whole grains contain more fibre, and they reduce the level of a C-Reactive Protein, which is a marker for inflammation that shows in the blood. Also Whole grain products tend to contain less sugar and nastiness, they don't cause havoc with the glucose-insulin breakdown, and they tend to keep a more steady stream of energy flowing rather than peaks and troughs which can lead to moodiness. Use Whole grain bread, pasta and subsequent products rather than white and fluffy processed rubbish.
* Berries and Pineapple- Berries contain Anthocyanin's, chemicals that give them their vibrant colours. These are said to help reduce inflammation. Pineapple contains a compound called Bromelain which is said to suppress Inflammation and reduce swelling. Pineapple is fabulous at reducing coughs and sore throats, but is best if the juice is fresh and doesn't contain added sugar- as that will not help the Anti Inflammatory kick you're on !
Also as mentioned in a previous blog post, Lemon water is fantastic at reducing the Acidity levels in the body and helping the environment to become more Alkaline. Lemon actually helps to reduce the level of Uric Acid in the muscles, a cause of inflammation. IT also helps to soothe the gut so will help with inflammation there too ! Half a lemon in a decent cup of warm water on waking every morning. Wait around 30 minutes for breakfast, and you have already helped your immune system immensely. Alternatively you could fill a jug with water and squeeze the lemon in and leave overnight to chill. Personally I prefer it warm, but hey, whatever you prefer !
So there you have it. A varied and sometimes surprising list of what foods can heal the chronic inflammation that some people are suffering. People may not even realise that they are in a state of Inflammation. But the chances are, if you lead a life stuffing yourself full of processed and refined junk, then possibly yes ! And what would be the harm to try and minimise the risks of your body becoming inflamed... I would say from the list of conditions that are inflammatory in nature, it would be best to try and prevent rather than cure (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Inflammatory Bowel disease, Pelvic Inflammatory disorder). The truth is people don't usually realise until its too late, but preventing a condition is much more proactive than curing one (reactive). An Anti Inflammatory diet may see a decrease in colds and infections, as the immune system isn't having to fight the inflammation all the time, and the added Probiotics will work wonders for the immune system. So give it a try, anything is better than packing yourself full of additive and artificially flavoured rubbish. Our bodies were never designed to eat like that, and Inflammation is a key factor in our physical body telling us so. You will have so much more energy and vitality, and the less peaks and troughs in sugar levels, the better ! Its time to start treating our bodies like the well 'oiled' vehicles they should be- and health should always be paramount. Let me know how you get on !
A one stop shop for all things holistic, natural and healing for the human body and mind.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Superfoods: Chia Seeds
There is a category of foods out there that are known as Superfoods. It is a marketing term used to define a food that has health benefits, and quite often the term is strewn about in a bid to get you spending more! However, It could be argued that some foods are not what you would term, 'super'. Yes, they are healthy and they have health benefits, but to a much greater extent that other foods? Often not. However Chia Seeds really ARE a superfood. If you can incorporate them your diet, you wont regret it. Here's why !
Firstly it would be good to define what they are and where they come from... that is a common question ! Chia Seeds are the grain of the Salvia Hispanica L. Plant (you really don't need to remember this), and it is a plant that forms part of the Mint family. It typically originates from South America. The Aztecs and the Mayans prized them for the countless energy that they would provide, and they weren't wrong to do so. The seeds have a high concentration of nutrients and it would be easier if I broke this down.
2 tablespoons of Chia seeds, calculates to around 137 calories...
Of this, 11g is Fibre (Carbohydrate), 4g protein, and around 9g is fat (5g is the Omega 3 fats that are so good for us, and roughly 1g is Saturated!)
They provide 18% RDA Calcium, 30% RDA Manganese, 30% RDA Magnesium and 27% RDA Phosphorus. They have a wealth of micronutrients and trace elements such as Iron, Zinc, Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Copper and Selenium. All these are needed in smaller amounts in the body compared to the macronutrients such as Carbohydrate, Protein and Fats, but they are essential all the same. These nutrients allow the body to develop and repair tissues, control muscle contractions (heart), transport essential nutrients and compounds to organs and tissues and keep the immune, nervous, muscular, blood and digestive systems healthy. Chia Seeds contain 18 Amino Acids (there are 22 altogether, and 9 are essential- chia contains all of the essential acids). Therefore it is a food known as High Biological Value- there are food non-meat foods that can be classified as this as usually meat is found to contain all essential Amino Acids. Therefore, Vegetarians would be advised to add this to their diet to supplement the Macronutrients, Micronutrients and Trace Elements that may need replacing.
Because of all of the nutrients mentioned, they can help improve the health of the Heart and the Bones, help to transport nutrients around the body, but they can also help to fight the production of Free Radicals that circulate the body. These can damage molecules in cells, and ultimately they contribute to the ageing process and disease in the body. Free radicals can put the bodily systems under a certain stress that means that it is continually trying to fight off the damage, Anti Oxidants (found in Chia Seeds), can 'mop up' these free radicals and prevent any damage.
So how can you use them ? Anyway you want ! You can sprinkle onto cereals, yoghurts and in smoothies. A lot of people actually mix with water and use as an egg alternative in recipes. The seeds are Hydrophilic, so they absorb water, this consistency helps to bind the dry foods in certain recipes, how an egg would. I've used Chia Seeds soaked in Apple Juice (natural sweetener) as part of a healthy snack bar that I make. You really can use them in anything, soups, casseroles, puddings... the list is endless ! And the health benefits means that you can feel good at the same time knowing that you really are adding a Superfood to your diet !
Firstly it would be good to define what they are and where they come from... that is a common question ! Chia Seeds are the grain of the Salvia Hispanica L. Plant (you really don't need to remember this), and it is a plant that forms part of the Mint family. It typically originates from South America. The Aztecs and the Mayans prized them for the countless energy that they would provide, and they weren't wrong to do so. The seeds have a high concentration of nutrients and it would be easier if I broke this down.
2 tablespoons of Chia seeds, calculates to around 137 calories...
Of this, 11g is Fibre (Carbohydrate), 4g protein, and around 9g is fat (5g is the Omega 3 fats that are so good for us, and roughly 1g is Saturated!)
They provide 18% RDA Calcium, 30% RDA Manganese, 30% RDA Magnesium and 27% RDA Phosphorus. They have a wealth of micronutrients and trace elements such as Iron, Zinc, Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Copper and Selenium. All these are needed in smaller amounts in the body compared to the macronutrients such as Carbohydrate, Protein and Fats, but they are essential all the same. These nutrients allow the body to develop and repair tissues, control muscle contractions (heart), transport essential nutrients and compounds to organs and tissues and keep the immune, nervous, muscular, blood and digestive systems healthy. Chia Seeds contain 18 Amino Acids (there are 22 altogether, and 9 are essential- chia contains all of the essential acids). Therefore it is a food known as High Biological Value- there are food non-meat foods that can be classified as this as usually meat is found to contain all essential Amino Acids. Therefore, Vegetarians would be advised to add this to their diet to supplement the Macronutrients, Micronutrients and Trace Elements that may need replacing.
Because of all of the nutrients mentioned, they can help improve the health of the Heart and the Bones, help to transport nutrients around the body, but they can also help to fight the production of Free Radicals that circulate the body. These can damage molecules in cells, and ultimately they contribute to the ageing process and disease in the body. Free radicals can put the bodily systems under a certain stress that means that it is continually trying to fight off the damage, Anti Oxidants (found in Chia Seeds), can 'mop up' these free radicals and prevent any damage.
So how can you use them ? Anyway you want ! You can sprinkle onto cereals, yoghurts and in smoothies. A lot of people actually mix with water and use as an egg alternative in recipes. The seeds are Hydrophilic, so they absorb water, this consistency helps to bind the dry foods in certain recipes, how an egg would. I've used Chia Seeds soaked in Apple Juice (natural sweetener) as part of a healthy snack bar that I make. You really can use them in anything, soups, casseroles, puddings... the list is endless ! And the health benefits means that you can feel good at the same time knowing that you really are adding a Superfood to your diet !
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