Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Natural ways to beat Stress and Anxiety

I have been asked a few times about how to reduce stress and anxiety, and what techniques can help during panic attacks. The thing is, it really isn't that simple. To fully ease the symptoms it is more of a long term intervention rather than a short term fix. I have categorised the information as there are many ways to help, and it is easier to put into identifiable categories.
We have evolved into a species that although is highly intelligent, we have lost our natural abilities to survive in the natural world. Stress is a physiological in response to a 'stressor', and in essence is useful as it has helped us to survive. The 'fight or flight' response has allowed us as a species to survive, as in direct response to a danger our body would release Cortisol (a hormone) and Adrenaline to all of the muscles to prepare the body to attack a threat or run from it.
The problem is, it is very rare these days that a person would come into contact with a danger such as a Bear or wolf, we have evolved to become stressed to problems that our ancestors would only dream about !
In a world where everything is available nearly 24 hours a day, work is the main part of our day, emails are still coming through at bedtime and juggling responsibilities and worries has become the norm, it is no wonder that stress and anxiety are common problems in todays lives. So can we help this continual pattern of  worry/anxiety and stress ? Yes. But be prepared to make a few changes.
Food and Fluid Intake
The term 'You are what you eat' could not be truer here. We now live in a world where our water contains chemicals, our meat is pumped full of hormones and our vegetables and fruit have been crammed with genetically modifying chemicals to enable them to grow quicker, bigger and have better shape/colour. These chemicals cause havoc with our bodies, changing our chemical make up and affecting our hormones, which regulate our system. They build up in our system and with an inefficient lymphatic system/liver, digestive system we cannot remove these toxins. The first and most important thing to do is to look at diet and fluid intake. Increasing foods rich in Anti Oxidants as they will mop up the free radicals in the system that have been produced as a result of food oxidising. These toxins can cause illness and disease and contribute to the bodies stress response.
The first thing that will help diet-wise is by increasing the amount of Whole grain's in your every day intake. They contain Magnesium and an Amino Acid called Tryptophan- this helps the body to convert Serotonin which is known to calm the body and improve mood. Some of the best sources of Tryptophan are Banana's, Turkey and lean meats, and High Biological Value Proteins such as Meats and Quinoa. The body processes complex carbohydrates slower than refined sugars, and allows a slower release of energy into the bloodstream. This will stop the peaks and troughs in the energy release which can cause mood swings, and jitters from too much sugar. Oats are fantastic for slow release energy, as is whole-wheat pasta, bread and grains.
Foods high in Omega 3's (oily fish such as Salmon, Tuna, Sardines and seeds such as Linseed)  lower the levels of Cortisol (the stress hormone) and adrenaline in the body, whilst also lowering the levels of Bad cholesterol in the blood stream. High Cholesterol can cause High Blood Pressure, and fatty deposits in the arteries that can cause havoc with the heart and circulation system.
L-Lysine (which is an Amino Acid) is the building block of the brains neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) and can help the synapses fire at a rate in which they should. Foods rich in this are beans, meat and fish.
The stomach has been described as the 'second brain', and it even has its own Nervous System (the Enteric Nervous System). Millions of receptors are embedded in the Gastrointestinal Tract, and they react to fear by speeding up or slowing down digestion. One of the best ways to calm a nervous stomach is Lemon Balm- this can be taken as a supplement. Peppermint is also fantastic, and is best in Tea form, taken after a meal.
Avoidance of some foods is also vital. Caffeine, Alcohol and added sugars such be avoided at all costs- these contain stimulants, depressants and are simple sugars (which are metabolised quickly by the system- causing the mood swings/spikes in energy).
B Vitamins have also been shown to reduce the level of anxiety and these are contained in eggs, milk, meat and avocados. Foods that help to regulate and lower the stress hormone Cortisol include foods rich in Vitamin C, Omega 3's (as above) and Magnesium- such as Spinach and dark leafy veg. Dark chocolate has also shown in some studies to lower Cortisol (so its not all out with nice food!)
Drinking herbal teas has also been shown to lower levels of Cortisol and promote relaxation. Chamomile Tea contains 2 chemicals called Luteolin and Apigenin that are responsible for increase in relaxation. If getting to sleep is an issue, teas which contain Valerian, hops and lemon balm are really useful for helping to drift off naturally. These also help to
replace the caffeinated drinks that can keep you awake. A natural way to stimulate the body on a morning is to drink Lemon water on first waking (see previous blog post).
Essential Oils
I love essential oils ! I use them every day in some way, and prefer to use these completely naturally alternatives (life essences from plants) rather than medication or chemical packed alternatives. Some of the best oils I have used to ease anxiety and stress are Vetivert, Benzoin, Chamomile, Lavender, Rose, Ylang Ylang or Sandalwood. A blend of oils is very personal for each individual, depending on what type of smells you enjoy. I personally love the earthy/woody smells so making a blend with these works for me. There are many oils that can help with anxiety- but the most popular and often used are Lavender and Chamomile. The best way to use them is in an oil burner or by adding a few drops to a bath. You can also add a few drops to a  carrier oil and rub this on your wrists or temples to help ease anxiety, 3 drops in 20ml of carrier oil (such as coconut, sweet almond or grapeseed work well). If you are pregnant or have any long term health conditions it is best to check with a qualified practitioner before using oils as they can be potentially harmful. A massage using these oils will also work wonders... the massage in itself is healing, encouraging the removal of toxins and lymph, and blood flow around the body. It is the ancient art of touch therapy, we benefit from touch as it helps to encourage self acceptance, improves self esteem and helps the body mind and soul to feel loved- adding the healing powers of essential oils to this healing would be a powerhouse in the help against anxiety. It regulates breathing, and the oils penetrate the skin and olfactory nerves to work their magic ! as already mentioned, consult a qualified specialist if unsure as what oils to use or whether massage should be performed. Ask a partner for a shoulder rub, or take your healing into your own hands and massage your hands and feet yourself !
Practical Techniques
Running a warm bath is fantastic as raising the body heat can help regulate mood and anxiety ! (massage increases blood flow and therefore raising body heat). Add essential oils and listen to calming music- or as mentioned in another blog- try Tibetan Singing Bowl music. It helps to release Theta waves in the brain that are responsible for deep meditative and relaxation states. Any type of Hydro therapy is wonderful ! We are back to the natural relationship between land, water and man... and there is no other way ! if you cant run a bath, have a shower and drop some essential oils in the tray, the water will hit the tray and send the fragrance upwards- hitting your olfactory nerves and easing the tension whilst the water does the massage. Water is essential to life, and has a very high energy, and it is so natural. If you cant run a bath or shower, run a tap and watch it for a few minutes. The sound of running water is so relaxing, and focusing on the water (the speed at which it falls from the tap, the way in which it hits the sink, and laps into the drain) can help to empty your intrusive worrying thoughts.
Try and spend as much time during each day being Mindful. Mindfulness has been practised in Buddhism for thousands of years and has recently become more mainstream in the West. Mindfulness is about being Present in the moment- by sitting and focusing on the breath, it can bring you back to really living in the present- not thinking about the past or worrying about the future- focusing solely on the breath. This would be a Mindfulness practice, but you can practice Mindfulness during every day moments. How many times have you travelled to work and not actually taken much notice of how you have actually got there ? Next time you are on a train, be aware. Notice how your body feels against the chair, notice what sounds are around you. Notice your breathing, and watch everything through the window. Look at how the light hits the window, and the warmth you may feel from the sun. I could go on, but honestly, try it ! You would be amazed how much you will notice when you learn to be mindful ! During a panic attack, try and become Mindful on your breath.. focus on how long you breathe in, try and retain the breath for as long as you can, and try to regulate the breathing out.
Also, try and limit the amount of 'Blue Light' you expose yourself to. We were never designed to spend all day on tablets, smart phones or computers. The light emitted from these can seriously affect our natural circadian rhythms, increasing anxiety and stress as we never feel able to switch off. It is especially important to limit the use of these before bedtime, we use the natural cue of darkness to tell us its time to sleep, but using these bypasses our bodies cues and keeps us awake. The body produces a hormone called Melatonin when we are subjected to darkness, which helps the body to relax and drift to sleep. Blue light will keep the body firing on all cylinders until in the early hours, and will affect the type and amount of sleep we get.
Crystals are fantastic for helping to ease stress and anxiety, and they work through resonating and affecting the vibrations that your energy is giving off. The crystals have their own vibrational frequencies, and some contain minerals that are known for their therapeutic properties. Rose Quartz is bar far my favourite crystal, and this is excellent for reducing agitation and anxiety. It helps to lower blood pressure. Blue Lace Agate helps to clam things down, and will help to balance the Throat Chakra, so if stress affects the throat area with repeated bouts of throat problems, this is a great stone. Using any of the stones paired with a Clear Quartz will amplify their properties, whilst a Clear Quartz will help to clarify any issues that may be troubling you. There are many crystals you can use, and please seek the advice of a practitioner, but I have highlighted these as these are the ones I use.
We as beings are energy, everything around us is energy. It is the basis of all life. I will be doing another blog post on Us as Energy beings soon, but for now I will briefly explain stress as an energy. We have layers to our Aura, and our physical body is our first layer. We absorb energy from our environment, and thoughts, feelings, and words are all energy. Stress and Anxiety is the build up of energy in our outer energy layers that have manifested on the physical level. We can help ourselves as much as we can, we can help to relax the physical body and nourish our first 'layer' with good food choices, but if we are continually putting ourselves in stressful situations then this will penetrate our layers, whatever we do. Think about the situations you put yourselves in- can I change the way I think about work ? Are you in an abusive relationship ? Any negative energy will have an impact.... we can help to alleviate the stress and anxiety on the physical level- but if we are not dealing with the cause, it will be a perpetual occurrence. See the blog for further information on energy and its impact.
So to sum up....
Eat better- Wholegrains, Tryptophan containing foods, less toxins and sugars.
Limit Caffeine, Alcohol, and stimulants.
Increase amount of Omega 3's and Magnesium rich foods
Eat plenty of foods containing Vit C and Vit B's- maybe consider a supplement
Herbal Teas- Chamomile, Peppermint
Essential Oils- Lavender and Chamomile as a good start
Hydrotherapy- Baths, showers, walking by a stream
Practice Mindfulness as often as possible
Limit the amount of Blue Light, especially at bedtime
Crystals- Rose Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Clear Quartz
Look at the cause- can anything be changed
See yourself as an energy being- are your choices lifting or lowering your energy?  

Friday, 19 February 2016

Edible Oils: COCONUT

I use Coconut Oil (See far Left) everyday in my day to day living, it is an amazing all round beneficial oil- wish so many uses and benefits. I have a lot of people ask what the benefits are, so here you go !
It is naturally anti bacterial and anti fungal in nature, and can be used in its natural form (solid) or can be used in cooking as it doesn't lose its properties throughout the heating process. It becomes liquid in form at body temp so a few seconds on the hand and it begins to melt.
Although it is technically a saturated fat (Most are known as the bad fats!), it actually helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. It raises the good cholesterol levels (HDL- High Density Lipoprotein) and changes the bad cholesterol levels (LDL- Low Density Lipoprotein) to  a benign subtype. Coconut has been seen in a bad light in the past due to its high saturated fats- but 90% of them have been proven harmless and they are not 'artery clogging' as first believed. It contains medium chain fatty acids, which are metabolised in  different way to long chain fatty acids- they are taken straight to the Liver from the digestive system to be used as energy, and are turned into their respective Ketone bodies. These medium chain fatty acids can increase energy expenditure compared to the same amount supplied from Long chain fatty acids.
Coconut Oil is digested by enzymes (proteins) and forms a Monoglyceride called Monolaurin. It also contains Lauric Acid, and both of these can destroy harmful pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and fungi.
It can improve the moisture and lipid (fat) content within the skin, and it can also be effective as a low level sunscreen due to its natural protective barrier. In the same way it can also protect against hair damage.
Coconut Oil has many uses and can be used internally as well as externally. Below are a few ways in which I utilise the benefits of coconut oil.

* Cooking- used in all baking, stir fry's, flapjacks etc. Can also be added to smoothies and used in marinades. I add a teaspoon of coconut Oil to my little boys porridge every morning to help with his constipation and help building his immune system.
* Massage blends- I use coconut oil as a carrier oil for massages including essential oils. It is a great medium for massage on body, face and head, and although it is solid, it becomes liquid at body temperature.
* Face Wash- I add equal parts of coconut oil and baking soda- mix well to break up any lumps and use as a good facial exfoliator- it helps unclog pores, treats acne and blemishes, exfoliates the dry, dead skin but also adds moisture. The baking soda helps to neutralise the skin and regulates its PH by interacting with the things on the skin and found in the pores. I use this around 3 times a week.
* Oil Pulling- Every morning after breakfast I practice the ancient technique of Oil Pulling. I out a teaspoon of natural coconut oil in my mouth (solid state), and let it melt. I swish the oil around my teeth and make sure the oil reaches each part of my mouth. I keep swishing, but make sure I don't swallow the oil. This technique kills all the bacteria in the mouth, helps to freshen the breath (due to its antibacterial properties) and can help keep sore throats at bay. After 'pulling' around my mouth for 5 minutes I spit the oil out. I then follow with a natural toothpaste (see picture last right), and will sometimes use a sprinkle of Bicarbonate of Soda on the toothbrush to help clean the teeth and whiten.
* Conditioner- add to the hair around 10 minutes before showering. Add the shampoo before the water so the shampoo an penetrate the hair and remove the oils residue- if you add water first it will resemble oil on a wet road... impossible to clean off.

It really is a home essential for me, and I use it around 3 times a day ! I love the taste and the texture, and love the feeling that I know it has the stated benefits and I'm passing these onto my family. Generally, it is best to pay around £6 plus a jar, as this will have been processed without minimal manufacturing so will have retained its benefits. Cold pressed is best as the oil has literally been extracted by placing coconut pulp between 2 presses and squeezed. No chemicals, no refining, and no heating methods. It really is a great alternative to other more abrasive, chemically refined products, and has far more benefits !

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

The Benefits of Lemon Water

One thing that I do every morning, 30 minutes before I eat breakfast, is to drink a pot of hot water with half a lemon's juice squeezed in. Its important to dilute the lemon due to the acidity of the juice, and the implications this could have on your teeth, not to mention you may have a tummy ache for a while afterwards. Lemons are packed with Vitamin C, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium and B complex Vitamins; all necessary and vital to a healthy, and optimum immune system, digestive system, blood flow, and brain health.
So what are the benefits to this habit ? Well, there are quite a few...
1. It reduces Inflammation in the body- despite lemon juice being acidic, drinking lemon water can actually reduce the acidity level in the human body. If the body is in an acidic state then there is an increased risk of disease and illness- The lemon water removes Uric Acid in joints, which is the main cause of inflammation.
2. It aids digestion- It loosens toxins in the digestive tract and helps to remove these from the body. It can also help with heartburn and bloating as it can decrease the time that food is digested and moved through the bowels.
3. It helps people to lose weight- Lemon contains Pectin- a fibre that can help to reduce hunger cravings and helps the body to feel full.
4. It helps to remove blemishes from the face and clears skin- Lemon contains Antioxidants that help 'mop up' free radicals that are produced during the breakdown on chemical laden food and products.
5. Immune system boost- due to the Vitamin C that lemon contains.
6. A good source of Potassium- this is a Micronutrient that is vital for heart health, brain and nerve function.
7. Freshens breath- It can also relieve toothache. Lemon is Antibacterial so can help to kill all those nasties that can lead to poor smelling breath. Can help with Gingivitis too- an inflammation of the gums.
8. It gives an energy boost- The Essential oil of Lemon (not to be consumed orally and should only be used on advice of a qualified therapist), is a superb oil for lifting the spirits, clearing away negative energies and boosting the vitality of s client- the smell of fresh lemons in a morning definitely gives that boost too.
9. It helps to fight viral infections- If ever I have a sore throat Lemon and Manuka honey are my go to saviours !! They are both anti bacterial and will help to soothe the harshness of a sore, inflamed throat.
10. It cleanses the system from top to toe, flushes toxins, stimulates the liver and enhances enzymatic function (the chemical processes that are happening every second in your body to allow you to move, talk, digest food, even breathe!)

There are other ways to use Lemon water- if you decide that one cup is enough, you can put the rest to good use. Add the lemon water to a small spray bottle and use to banish the odours from carpets, sofas and curtains... check t a small amount on a piece of unseen fabric first as the lemon may discolour the material.
Also the lemon water can be added to an equal part of Apple Cider Vinegar to help cut through grease in the kitchen and clean windows !! For example 60ml lemon water with 60ml Apple Cider Vinegar.

It really is a great Holistic, natural way to start the day... and If you are a caffeine addict, after a few days this could change your life completely. It did take a few days to get used to not starting the day with a cup of English tea, but after doing this for so long its now part of a great holistic routine that I follow. It helps wake me up and starts my system firing on all cylinders. I drink a pot full (see picture above) around 30 minutes before breakfast, as it is better to start on an empty stomach so it can be digested and flushed through the system fully. Be careful not to brush your teeth straight away as the acidity in the lemon will help to remove tooth enamel if you brush too quickly afterwards. I usually drink the lemon water, have breakfast, then follow with the Oil pulling and tooth care routine. Give it a go, see what you think !!

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Stand still and breeaatthhheee

When life all seems a little too much, a lot of the time people can literally forget to breathe. Its a physiological response to react to stressors in a certain way... either to fight or flight. Either way the Autonomic nervous system produces enough adrenaline for you to act appropriately (either fight a threat or run from it). However this automatic response will occur during any stressful event or situation which a lot of the time would be inappropriate to fight or flight.. and just being aware of why you may feel a certain way.. tense, pent up, breathless, hot. All effects of the adrenaline. But one thing you can do to help is STOP AND BREATHE. Stand or sit for 5 mins and juat take a few breaths.. tell yourself that there is no threat. The response is real, but you are overriding it as you dont need the adrenaline. Concentrate on the breathing.. notice how it slows and becomes deeper... do for as long as you can... but 5 minutes can make all the difference.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Only You

Who can change the way you feel
Stop you feeling blue,
Make you believe in yourself again
My darling, Only You.

Who can stop all those running thoughts,
That aren't even true
The ones that tell you you're not good enough
My darling, only you.

Who can treat you the way you want
Who can show the truth
Who can set a good example
My darling, only you.

Who can comfort you from within
Like no hug can never do,
Who can tell you to stand up again
My darling, only you.

When things have changed and you don't know why
When you wonder what to do
someone has the answers inside,
My darling, only you.

When all those have been and gone
The ones you expected to be true
There's always someone to bring you back
My darling, only you.

When family wains and friends are faint
When relationships are through,
You will never be alone my love
because you will always have you.

Tibetan singing bowl

Many of you may look at this and wonder what it is. That's OK. Its a little hidden gem that isn't widely used enough by the modern population. This Tibetan singing bowl can help in many ways, and ways that you may not have even thought about. These have been used for centuries as part of healing and meditations and they can create a range of sounds; which helps to restore the normal vibrational frequencies of sick, diseased and unbalanced parts of the body and mind. The idea is to stroke the wooden striker around the rim of the bowl until in hums/sings. The vibration that this creates can clear a room of stagnant and negative energy, and I use these sometimes at the beginning and end of treatments.
The wooden striker can also be tapped gently against the side to create a bell type sound. I usually walk the length of the client tapping gently at each chakra, and noticing any differences there may be in the sound/vibration. This way, before I even begin Reiki I will have an idea of which chakras may be unbalanced.
The Tibetan Singing Bowl is used as a form of energy medicine, closely connected to that of Reiki. However the sound waves produced entrain the brain waves to synchronise with the sounds, and the vibrations allow the body to feel rather than just hear. It deeply touches and transforms cells on a physical, spiritual and emotional level.
All matter is vibrating energy. The structure of a material (wood, water, human beings) all depends on how fast the vibrations are moving. Altering the state of vibration, alters the state of the matter. This is the same principle as working with Reiki, all energy is vibrational, and that energy that is being sourced and given to a client (or yourself) is lifting the energies and vibrations of your physical body; therefore increasing the resonance of it being similar (energy wise) to your soul/energy self. The Tibetan Singing Bowl is a fabulous tool to use in treatments as it gives the clients something to focus on at the beginning and end of a session, and the difference in sound can be incredible, so the clients leave knowing there has been some change. It is a great precursor to sleep too- I have found it useful during bouts of sleeplessness to help me drift off and also improve the quality of the sleep. The brain moves to Theta waves when it is hearing the sound made, and these are what the brain prodcues when they are in deep meditative and peaceful states. This in turn impacts the nervous system and helps the body to relax. I also have a playlist of Tibetan bowl music on my phone for when it isn't too appropriate to get a bowl out... and that is just as effective. So if you would like to try and use the Singing Bowl sounds to enhance your life, maybe try some music first. But I love how pretty mine is, and its invaluable during treatments.