Sunday, 20 September 2015

Turning that long, hard, meandering corner

Humans are made up of many salts, minerals, building blocks, cells... whatever way you describe it... we have a certain composition, and if we are lacking in anything soon enough it will begin to show. Due to Harrys eating habits he did not eat enough food containing iron and so therefore became anaemic. He has been on a supplement for around a month now and sure enough he has begin to improve a little. Its vital that we all take a good quality multivitamin to supplement even a fabulous diet... also a good source of oils such as Omega 3 is extremely useful and can make a huge difference in concentration, energy and vitality levels. Changing our nutrition can prevent so many diseases and can lengthen our lives. Make a change today !

Crystals, wands and geodes.. kid in a sweet shop !

I have just got back from a gem and rock fair... I was in my element. Some beautiful pieces and lovely additions made to my crystal family. They are all charging together now and settling in :)